We Love Dinky Dungeons
Good riddance to cursed items.
Dinky Dragons
About This Game
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Special Attacks
Magic Rules
Adventuring Gear
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Gaming Glossary
Tips for GMs
Staring Wizard

Spells allow an ordinary person to do extraordinary things. They are useful for healing, attack, defense, solving problems, overcoming obstacles, and revealing that which is hidden. Though a spellcaster is not as deadly as a trained warrior, he is extremely useful to any adventuring party. Sorcerers and wizards learn spells by memorizing the proper incantations and gestures. Bards learn to sing and play mystical songs. All of them use magic to perform miracles through mind over matter.

Optional Rules: Allow players to spend 10 XP to invent a new spell for their character.
Reduce the MP cost of a spell by one (minimum 1) if the player roleplays a magic spell with an interesting visual and audible effect.

Click the plus (+) symbol to expand each list of spells.

Casting Wizard

Sorcerers and wizards learn incantations. Only Low Magic incantations can be selected at character creation. These spells have a limited range. They can only affect targets within line of sight. The center of an area effect incantation must also be within line of sight. The caster can choose the radius of an area affect spell when it is cast. The minimum radius is his own hex, while the maximum radius is 5 hexes. A character must be able to speak to cast spells. He must also have one hand free to cast High Magic incantations.

Click To Expand/Collapse   Low Magic Incantations

Click To Expand/Collapse   High Magic Incantations

Mystical Music
Singing Bard

Bards learn mystical music. Only Low Magic songs can be selected at character creation. These spells have a limited range. They can only affect targets within range of hearing. Songs with an area of effect are always centered around the caster. He can choose the radius of an area affect spell when it is cast. The minimum radius is his own hex, while the maximum radius is 5 hexes. The caster must be able to speak. He must also have both hands free to play an instrument while casting a High Magic song.

Click To Expand/Collapse   Low Magic Songs

Click To Expand/Collapse   High Magic Songs

Race-Specific Magic
Voodoo Toad

Each race has a small number of unusual (read: generally useless) spells that they can cast. Characters of any class can learn these spells through book learning, persistent experimentation, or simple observation. Each spell has different verbal, somatic and material requirements. They cost no experience points to learn and drain no magic points when cast.

Click To Expand/Collapse   Racial Spells
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