We Love Dinky Dungeons
Not all those who wander are lost.
Dinky Dragons
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Magic Rules
Adventuring Gear
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Adventuring Gear

Here are the names and descriptions of common pieces of adventuring equipment. The prices are for average quality gear purchased in a city. Magic items are generally not available at stores and should only be purchased with the game master's permission. Some armor and weapons have a minimum Body attribute requirement.

Scale armor is made from rectangles of metal attached to a leather backing. Brigandine is made from overlapping rectangles of metal. Augmented mail is chainmail woven with leather. Double mail is made from a more complex interlink of chainmail. A halberd is a broad axe blade with a spike at the end of a staff. A morning star is a spike and spiked mace head on the end of a staff. Scrolls are single-use items.

Defensive Gear
  • Heavy Furs - DV 1, 15 CP
  • Leather, Light - DV 2, 30 CP
  • Leather, Studded - DV 3, 50 CP
  • Scale - DV 4, 75 CP
  • Chainmail - DV 5, 95 CP
  • Brigandine - DV 6, Min Body 6, 130 CP
  • Augmented Mail - DV 7, Min Body 6, 175 CP
  • Double Mail - DV 8, Min Body 7, 230 CP
  • Plate - DV 9, Min Body 8, 280 CP

Helms & Shields
  • Helm, Leather - DV 2, 15 CP
  • Helm, Chainmail Coif - DV 4, 25 CP
  • Helm, Metal - DV 6, 40 CP
  • Helm, Full - DV 8, -1 PER, 50 CP
  • Shield, Small Leather - DV 1, 10 CP
  • Shield, Wood - DV 2, Min Body 6, 15 CP
  • Shield, Metal - DV 3, Min Body 8, 30 CP
  • Shield, Tower - DV 4, Min Body 10, 50 CP

Offensive Gear
One-Handed Bladed Melee Weapons
  • Axe - AV 5, 3 Damage, 30 CP
  • Knife - AV 3, 2 Damage, 20 CP
  • Sword, Broad - AV 7, 6 Damage, Min Body 8, 80 CP
  • Sword, Long - AV 6, 5 Damage, 60 CP
  • Sword, Short - AV 4, 3 Damage, 35 CP

Two-Handed Bladed Melee Weapons
  • Axe, Great - AV 10, 7 Damage, Min Body 11, 180 CP
  • Polearm, Halberd - AV 6, 4 Damage, 50 CP
  • Sword, Bastard - AV 8, 6 Damage, Min Body 9, 130 CP
  • Sword, Claymore - AV 9, 7 Damage, Min Body 10, 160 CP
  • Sword, Great - AV 11, 7 Damage, Min Body 12, 200 CP

Blunt Melee Weapons
  • Club - AV 3, 1 Damage, 3 CP
  • Flail - AV 6, 4 Damage, 55 CP
  • Lance - AV 5, 6 Damage, 150 CP
  • Lance, Jousting - AV 6, 1 Damage + 2 Stun, 50 CP
  • Mace - AV 5, 3 Damage, 45 CP
  • Polearm, Morning Star - AV 7, 5 Damage, Min Body 8, 60 CP
  • Quarterstaff - AV 4, 2 Damage or 5 Stun, 25 CP
  • Sap - AV 2, 3 Damage (stun only), 6 CP
  • Warhammer - AV 8, 6 Damage, Min Body 9, 100 CP

Ranged Weapons
  • Bow, Composite - AV 8, 4 Damage, Range 50 hexes, Min Body 8, 150 CP
  • Bow, Long - AV 6, 2 Damage, Range 30 hexes, 100 CP
  • Bow, Recurve - AV 7, 3 Damage, Range 40 hexes, Min Body 7, 125 CP
  • Bow, Short - AV 5, 1 Damage, Range 20 hexes, 80 CP
  • Crossbow, Light - AV 5, 2 Damage, Range 15 hexes, 80 CP
  • Crossbow, Heavy - AV 7, 4 Damage, Range 35 hexes, Min Body 7, 125 CP

Thrown Weapons
  • Axe, Hand - AV 4, 2 Damage, Range 6 hexes, 20 CP
  • Dagger - AV 2, 1 Damage, Range 4 hexes, 15 CP
  • Dart - AV 1, 0 Damage, Range 2 hexes, Can inject poison/drugs, 3 CP
  • Javelin - AV 5, 3 Damage, Range 8 hexes, 30 CP
  • Spear - AV 4, 3 Damage, Range 10 hexes, 20 CP

Special Weapons
  • Blowgun - AV 2, 0 Damage, Range 4 hexes, Can inject poison/drugs, 20 CP
  • Bolas - AV 2, 0 Damage, Range 6 hexes, Entangles target's limb, 15 CP
  • Net, Large - AV 5, 0 Damage, Range 2 hexes, Entangles 1-3 targets, 50 CP
  • Net, Small - AV 3, 0 Damage, Range 3 hexes, Entangles a target, 30 CP
  • Sling - AV 1, 1 Damage or Stun, Range 15 hexes, 10 CP

General Gear
Adventuring Items
  • Antidote, Poison - 1 dose, 25 CP
  • Backpack, Leather - 20 CP
  • Bedroll - 15 CP
  • Belt Pouch - 5 CP
  • Bottle, Glass - 1 quart, 5 CP
  • Candle - 4 hrs, 2 CP
  • Crowbar - 20 CP
  • Fishing Gear - 15 CP
  • Flint & Steel - 1 CP
  • Grappling hook - 25 CP
  • Hammer - 8 CP
  • Healing Kit - +1 First Aid, 30 CP
  • Ink, Black - 1 bottle, 3 CP
  • Lantern - 20 CP
  • Oil Flask - Fuels lantern for 1 hr, 1 CP
  • Pole, 10' - 2 CP
  • Rations - Preserved, 1 day, 5 CP
  • Rope, Hemp - 20', bears 300 lbs, 10 CP
  • Rope, Silk - 20', bears 1000 lbs, 40 CP
  • Sack, Canvas - 2 CP
  • Scroll Case - 3 CP
  • Skinning Knife - 10 CP
  • Tent - 1 man, 35 CP
  • Torch - 1 CP
  • Waterskin - 10 CP
  • Writing Stick - 5 CP
  • Writing Sheet, Parchment - 1 CP

  • Belt, Leather - 5 CP
  • Boots, High - 12 CP
  • Boots, Low - 8 CP
  • Cloak - 6 CP
  • Cloak, Hooded - 8 CP
  • Cloak, Winter - 10 CP
  • Dress - 12 CP
  • Gloves, Leather - 6 CP
  • Robe - 10 CP
  • Shoes - 7 CP
  • Trousers - 6 CP
  • Tunic - 9 CP
  • Underclothes - 3 CP

Weapon Accessories
  • Arrows (12) - 12 CP
  • Bolts (12) - 8 CP
  • Bowstring & wax - 4 CP
  • Quiver - 15 CP
  • Scabbard - 10 CP
  • Slingshots (12 lead) - 2 CP
  • Whetstone & Honing Oil - 12 CP

Enchanting Supplies
  • Cauldron, Alchemist's - Silver plated, ½ gallon, 250 CP
  • Ink, Mystical - 1 vial, 25 CP
  • Potion Bottle, Crystal - 15 CP
  • Potion Bottle, Glass - 5 CP
  • Wand, Enchanter's - 1000 CP
  • Writing Sheet, Heavy Parchment - 2 CP

Poisons, Toxins & Venoms
  • Toxin, Deadly - 1 vial, 12 shots, stun 2d6 rounds, 48 CP
  • Toxin, Strong - 1 vial, 12 shots, stun 1d6 rounds, 24 CP
  • Toxin, Weak - 1 vial, 12 shots, stun 1d6/2 rnds (round up), 12 CP
  • Venom, Deadly - 1 vial, 12 shots, paralysis 2d6 rnds, 96 CP
  • Venom, Strong - 1 vial, 12 shots, paralysis 1d6 rnds, 48 CP
  • Venom, Weak - 1 vial, 12 shots, paralysis 1d6/2 rnds (round up), 24 CP
  • Poison, Deadly - 1 vial, 12 shots, damage for 2d6 rnds, 144 CP
  • Poison, Strong - 1 vial, 12 shots, damage for 1d6 rnds, 72 CP
  • Poison, Weak - 1 vial, 12 shots, damage for 1d6/2 rnds (round up), 36 CP

  • Barding, Chainmail Warhorse - DV 5, 275 CP
  • Barding, Leather Horse - DV 3, 150 CP
  • Canoe - 3 man, 150 CP
  • Cart - 10 mph max, 200 CP
  • Horse, Riding - 30 mph max, 1000 CP
  • Horse, War - 25 mph max, 2000 CP
  • Horse Tack - 250 CP
  • Mule - 20 mph max, 400 CP
  • Saddlebags - 30 CP
  • Wagon - 4 seat, 20 mph max, 500 CP

Magic Items
  • Amulet of Light - (300 CP) A carved, clear quartz pendant that glows as bright as a torch.
  • Boots of Sneaking - (700 CP) The wearer's footfalls are quieted, granting a +5 bonus to audible stealth rolls.
  • Cloak of Cloaking - (3,500 CP) This camouflaged cloak changes colors so that the wearer blends in, granting a +3 bonus to visual stealth rolls.
  • Comfortable Leather Armor - (600 CP) This armor has a DV of 3 and causes no MP penalty.
  • Epic Chainmail - (2,250 CP) This armor has a DV of 7 but no additional MP penalty.
  • Flowing Flagon - (200 CP) A hardwood flagon with the figure of a dragon. It does not contain the pellet with the poison, but it does fill with water three times per day on command.
  • Gloves of Warmth - (550 CP) The wearer of these gloves will never be uncomfortable or suffer damage due to cold.
  • Grognard's Hammer - (3,000 CP) This warhammer has an AV of 9 and inflicts 8 damage, so long as it is the only weapon in the bearer's inventory.
  • Health Potion - (400 CP) When imbibed, the red liquid inside this small bottle restores 1d6+1 health points.
  • Heroic Cloak - (350 CP) This fetching cloak flaps heroically in the slightest breeze and always arranges itself properly, granting a +1 on Social rolls.
  • Magic Potion - (150 CP) When imbibed, the blue liquid inside this small bottle restores 1d6+1 magic points.
  • Magic Seeds - (100 CP/seed) When planted, each seed grows into a mature plant in one minute, bearing its maximum harvest of food. However, it is impossible to tell what sort of seed it is. Determine randomly on 1d6 - pumpkin vine, apple tree, blackberry bush, snap pea plant, giant turnip plant, or orange tree.
  • Neverfull Pack - (1,000 CP) This enchanted backpack is bigger on the inside than the outside. It can hold up to 100 items. Unfortunately, it's pitch black inside the pack and random which item is pulled out. The more items are in the bag, the longer it takes to find the one you want. An item must be able to fit through an 18" diameter opening to be put in the bag. The pack's weight is half that of its contents.
  • Plate Armor of Champions - (2,000 CP) Anyone fighting the wearer of this impressive, shiny armor must make a saving throw versus fear when combat begins. If the saving throw is failed, he suffers a -1 attack penalty against the wearer due to intimidation until combat ends. The armor has a defense value of 10.
  • Ring of Deflection - (5,000) The wearer receives a +1 DV bonus while the ring is worn.
  • Ring of Salvation - (2,500 CP) Once per combat, the wearer of this ring can call out to Zar Blackwolf and beg for assistance, granting him either a +2 AV or a +3 DV that round (his choice). Blackwolf isn't really a god, just an enchanter who wants to become a legend. In fact, Zar Blackwolf isn't even his real name...
  • Sack of Endless Caltrops - (450 CP) The holder of the sack can pull out a large handful of 1" iron caltrops, without being stabbed by them. Once another handful is pulled from the sack, the previous handful disappears forever.
  • Scroll of Detect Magic - (125 CP) After reading the spell on this scroll, the speaker can see a glow on any magical items or areas. A brighter glow indicates stronger magic. The spell lasts 10 minutes.
  • Sharpened Knife - (525 CP) This knife has a fancy hilt, an AV of 4, and does 3 damage.
  • Sylphan Sack - (4,000 CP) This sack can hold up to 1 cubic foot (1'x1'x1') of loot. No matter what is placed inside, it never weighs more than one pound.
  • Sword of Legend - (4,500 CP) An ornate longsword that has runes in the hilt, AV 7, does 6 damage, and adds +1 to Body saving throws. Requires a minimum Body of 6 to wield.
  • Tolkean Ring - (250 CP) A platinum ring engraved with strange runes. Anyone who is offered this ring for sale or trade must make a Mind saving throw versus greed or covet it greatly. Those who covet the ring will pay 10 times more for it than they would normally think it was worth. Offering the ring as a gift does not cause this effect.
  • Vial of Serpent Blood - (100 CP) Drinking this potion cures poisoning. No further damage is taken from poisons, toxins or venoms. Lost health points are not recovered.
  • Viking Helm - (500 CP) This is a metal helm with a pair of impressive white horns. It has a DV of 8 and wasn't made by vikings. Vikings didn't actually wear horned helms.
  • Vorpal Shortsword - (3,250 CP) This ornate longsword has an AV of 5, does 3 damage, and scores a critical hit with only two matching numbers.
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