We Love Dinky Dungeons
A thousand mile journey begins with one quest.
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Combat Rules
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Combat Rules

Combat is broken up into 10 second long rounds. During a round, each character gets a turn to act. The order in which characters take turns is determined by initiative.

Initiative is figured by adding your Mind and Body. Spells and combat maneuvers may adjust this total. Ties go the player with the higher Body attribute. If the characters attributes are identical, break the tie by rolling 1d6. The highest roll goes first.
Optional Rule: A character can choose to delay their action and take their turn last. If several characters want to delay, the normal tie-breaking rules apply in reverse to determine who can truly go last.

Surprise occurs whenever a target isn't expecting attack and is taken completely off-guard. A surprised character has a -5 initiative penalty during the first round of combat. A successful Perception check can be used to avoid surprise, at the game master's discretion.

Your character's Attack Rank is the sum of attack values from the weapon he is wielding and any spells that are enhancing his combat abilities. It can also be improved by combat maneuvers, skill bonus, or aiming for parts of the target's body not covered by armor. It can be penalized by shield use and stun.

Your character's Defense Rank is the sum of defense values from any armor he is wearing and spells that are protecting him. It can also be improved by dodging, taking cover, blocking with a shield, or otherwise making it harder for an attacker to successfully hit him.

The game master determines the attack or defense value of situational modifiers that are not addressed in the rules.

To determine if an attack hits or misses, compare the attacker's Attack Rank and the defender's Defense Rank on the combat chart (below). Roll the target number or less on 3d6 to hit.
Optional Rule: Missing the target number by three or less means that the armor absorbed the blow, otherwise the attack didn't land at all.

A hit becomes a critical hit if *CH is rolled on the combat chart or 3 identical numbers are rolled on the dice. A miss becomes a critical miss if *CM is rolled on the combat chart or 3 identical numbers are rolled on the dice.

Armor improves your defense value in combat. Heavier armor protects you better, however it also reduces your base magic points by an amount equal to the armor's defense value. Armor only protects against physical attacks.
Optional Rule: When armor absorbs a blow, it takes a little damage. If the amount of damage deflected in one hit is greater than the armor's defense value, it will need to be repaired before the next combat.

Shields improve your defense value in combat. During any round that you attempt to block an attack using your shield, its defense value is added to your defense rank. However, your next attack suffers a penalty equal to the shield's defense value minus 1. Shields only protect against physical attacks. Spells can't be cast while using a shield.

Two hands are required to load a crossbow. A heavy crossbow can be fired once every other round. A light crossbow can be fired one-handed. Shields cannot be used at the same time as bows, crossbows, or 2-handed weapons.

How Combat Works
  • Determine initiative for everyone involved in the combat, including non-player characters. Check for any surprise modifiers that may affect initiative in the first round of combat.
  • A 10-second round of combat begins. Each character takes one turn, in order of initiative.
  • During their turn, each character can do one of the following:
    • Attack with a melee or ranged weapon.
    • Use a combat maneuver.
    • Cast a spell, drink a potion, read a scroll, or activate a magic item.
    • Avoid attacks by dodging or parrying.
    • Perform a short action that takes 10 seconds or less. For example: shout for help, load a heavy crossbow, switch weapons, or open a door.
    • Move - Dive for cover, retreat, leap onto a table, change position, approach a foe, etc.
    • Do nothing.
  • If the character makes a physical attack, determine his Attack Rank and his target's Defense Rank. Find the target number on the combat chart. Roll to see if the attack hits.
    • If the attack hits - Check if there is a critical hit. Determine how much damage was done, based on the weapon used. The target loses this number of health points.
    • If the attack misses - Check if there was a critical miss.
  • If the character makes a magical attack (mental or non-damaging physical magic), the target must make a saving throw versus magic.
    • If the target fails his saving throw - Determine the effects, based on the spell used. Apply the appropriate penalties to the target.
    • If the target makes his saving throw - Nothing happens.
  • Check for characters suffering from damage over time effects and subtract the appropriate number of health points. Check for characters recovering from knockout or stun.
  • Begin another round of combat and repeat the process, until no one is still fighting.

Combat Chart
 Attack Rank
 0 123 456 789 101112
09 91010 111213 141516 1718 *CH
18 9910 101112 131415 161718
28 899 101011 121314 151617
37 889 91010 111213 141516
47 788 9910 101112 131415
56 778 899 101011 121314
66 677 889 91010 111213
75 667 788 9910 101112
85 566 778 899 101011
94 556 677 889 91010
104 455 667 788 9910
113 445 566 778 899
12*CM 344 556 677 889
  *CH - Use the critical hit table. *CM - Use the critical miss table.

Critical Hits & Misses

Critical Hits:
Use the identical rolled number, or the result of 1d6 for *CH, to determine the outcome.
1: Attack does +1 damage.
2: Target must save vs. pain or be stunned next turn.
3: Knocked weapon from target's hand.
4: Attack does double (x2) damage.
5: Attack causes 1 damage in next 3 rnds from bleeding.
6: Attack does triple (x3) damage.

Critical Misses (Armed Combat):
Use the identical rolled number, or the result of 1d6 for *CM, to determine the outcome.
1: Attacker stumbles, -1 initiative until combat ends.
2: Attacker loses balance, -1 DV next action.
3: Attacker drops his weapon.
4: Attacker strikes himself for 1 HP of damage.
5: Attacker pulls muscle, -1 AV until combat ends.
6: Attacker's weapon breaks.

Critical Misses (Unarmed Combat):
Use the identical rolled number, or the result of 1d6 for *CM, to determine the outcome.
1: Attacker stumbles, -1 initiative until combat ends.
2: Attacker loses balance, -1 DV next action.
3: Attacker loses balance, -2 DV next action.
4: Attacker pulls muscle, -1 AV until combat ends.
5: Attacker pulls muscle, -2 AV until combat ends.
6: Attacker trips and falls to the ground.

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