We Love Dinky Dungeons
Good riddance to cursed items.
Dinky Dragons
About This Game
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General Rules
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Special Attacks
Magic Rules
Adventuring Gear
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Magic Rules
Wand Wizard

Characters can learn new spells from books and mentors with the Game Master's permission. Low Magic spells cost 3 experience points, while High Magic spells cost 4 points.

Magic points (MP) are needed to cast spells or use scrolls. Each spell drains a specific number of points. They recover at a rate of 1 per hour of rest, or 3 per hour of sleep. Armor reduces your base magic points by an amount equal to the armor's defense value.

Spells have a limited range. Incantations can only affect targets within line of sight. The center of an area effect incantation must also be within line of sight. A bard's mystical songs can only affect targets within range of hearing. Songs with an area of effect are always centered around the bard. The caster can choose the radius of an area affect spell when it is cast. The minimum radius is his own hex, while the maximum radius is 5 hexes. A character must be able to speak to cast spells. He must also have one hand free to cast High Magic incantations, or both hands free to play an instrument while casting a High Magic mystical song. It takes one round (10 seconds) to cast a spell.

Each rank you have in the Arcane skill gives you a +1 bonus to saving throws versus magic, and applies a -1 penalty to targets attempting to resist your spells.

Optional Rules: Allow players to spend 10 XP to invent a new spell for their character.
Reduce the MP cost of a spell by one (minimum 1) if the player roleplays a magic spell with an interesting visual and audible effect.

Potions & Scrolls
Potion Wizard

Potions are small, wax-stoppered bottles that contain 50ml (1.7 ounces) of enchanted liquid. The bottle fits comfortably in the palm of the hand. The liquid is often flavored and dyed a particular color to make it easy to identify, even in a hurry or without much light. When the majority of the liquid is swallowed, the magical properties of the potion take effect immediately. Potions cannot be sipped for partial effects. A character who is stunned or unconscious will swallow a potion out of reflex if someone pours it into his mouth. Potion bottles must be made of glass or crystal. They can be reused if cleaned carefully. The bottles can also be broken by sharp blows, though crystal vials are much more resilient. The potion's enchantment dissipates one month after it was created, rendering it useless.

Scrolls are single sheets of parchment bearing arcane writing in mystical ink. They are specially prepared by enchanters. Anyone who reads the scroll aloud, without interruption, casts the spell written on the parchment. The reader must be literate and have sufficient magic points available. Using a scroll costs the same number of magic points as the spell that it casts. After the scroll has been used, the ink disappears. Scrolls are susceptible to damage, especially by fire and water. Most travelers keep their scrolls in a case until it is time to use them. The scroll's enchantment dissipates one year after it was created, rendering it blank and useless.

Enchanting Items
Staff Wizard

Enchanting is the art of creating potions, scrolls, and magical items. The Arcane skill is essential, with a minimum rank of 4 required to make potions, 5 to make scrolls, and 6 to create magic items. Potions are used when the spell only needs to affect one person. Scrolls are necessary for spells that affect a target at range or have an area effect. Magic items are highly prized because they can be used repeatedly or have a permanent duration.

The enchanter must know the spell he wishes to bind into a potion, scroll or magical item. He must be rested, possess certain tools, and set aside one or more hours of uninterrupted time to complete his work.

Potions require an alchemist's cauldron to create. The cauldron is a silver plated bowl which has been infused with magical energy. It takes 1 hour to brew a potion with the effects of a low magic spell or 2 hours for a high magic spell. Exposure to strange chemicals and mystical herbs can have strange side effects, so an enchanter can only brew one potion per day. Depending on the type of potion being created, the game master will decide which alchemical substances are required. For example, wolf blood and ground obsidian may be required to brew a Beast Claws potion.

Scrolls require one sheet of heavy parchment and one vial of mystical ink to create. Mystical ink is created from rare herbs and imbued with magical energy. It takes 1 hour to inscribe a scroll that casts a low magic spell or 2 hours for a high magic spell. Due to the intense concentration required, an enchanter can only inscribe one scroll per week.

Magic items require an enchanter's wand to create. The wand is made from ancient oak wood and embedded with small gemstones that channel magical energy. The item to be enchanted must be durable and exceptional in quality. The enchantment is broken if the item is significantly damaged. It costs 5 times the normal Magic Point cost to bind a spell into an item. For example, binding Obscure into an amulet requires 10 MP to create. Depending on which spell will be bound, the game master will decide if the magical item has a continuous effect or how often it can be activated. Due to the mental and physical strain of binding magic, an enchanter can only create one magic item per year.

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