We Love Dinky Dungeons
There is nothing to fear but 'Fear' the spell.
Dinky Dragons
About This Game
Make A Character
General Rules
Combat Rules
Special Attacks
Magic Rules
Adventuring Gear
Maps & Art

Game Aids
Choose A Name
Random PCs
Gaming Glossary
Tips for GMs
Dinky Dungeons, First Edition Rules
Poor Knight


"As Malkar entered the grass covered entrance of the cave, a frigid wind lashed across his age weathered face. He began to wonder about his chances of survival...

Welcome to the world of fantasy gaming in which you can be a powerful warrior or mighty wizard and only your imagination is the limit. The game is run as one person is the controller... the GM (Game Master) and the players have characters they run, in adventures set up by the GM, using the rules provided. So have fun and enjoy!"

Character Generation
Your character has two attributes - Physical (PHY) and Mental (MEN). To generate attributes, roll 2d6. Assign one die to each attribute.

There are three classes to choose from - Warrior, Wizard and Bard. Warriors assign the higher die to Physical and begin with 2d6 gold coins (GC). Wizards assign the higher die to Mental, begin with 1d6 GC, and may choose wizard spells. Bards can assign the dice as they wish, begin with 1d6+1 GC, and can choose bard spells.

An optional rule allows players to select a race for their character. The available races are Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Fuzzy Winkers. Humans can be any class and have no special bonuses. Elves can be wizards or bards, have a +1 bonus to Mental, have heightened senses, don't age or sleep, are immune to Charm and Fear spells, and have pointed ears. Dwarves can be warriors or bards, have a +1 bonus to Physical, see in the dark, live 500 years, and are short. Fuzzy Winkers are 1' tall anthropomorphic rodents, have a -1 penalty to Physical and Mental, can't use weapons, can't wear armor, can't cast spells, and are cowardly.

Before the game begins, characters can spend coins to buy weapons and armor. One gold coin (GC) equals 10 silver coins (SC).

Movement and Time

Character can move their Physical minus their Armor bonus in hexes. A hex is equal to 6'. Creatures smaller than humans can stack in a hex. A turn is equal to 1 minute.


Combat Turns
A character can make one attack per combat turn. He can cast a spell, fire an arrow, or attack with a melee weapon. If he does not attack, he can attempt to parry, adding a +2 to his PHY when defending that turn.

To resolve combat, follow these steps:
1) Determine initiative by the highest MEN+PHY. (If there is a tie, roll 2d6 and the high roller goes first).
2) Resolve attacks in order by initiative.
3) Determine damage and apply it.
4) Repeat until combat is finished.

Ranged and melee combat compares the attacker's and defender's PHY attributes, while magical combat compares their MEN attributes. Use these two numbers on the combat chart below to find a target number. The attacker must roll this number or lower on 2d6 to hit.

Armor adds to a defender's PHY. Armor attracts magic, so it also adds to an attacker's MEN if he is casting a spell.

Combat Chart

 Attacker Value  
 1 234 56+
17-8-9- 10-11-11 ♦
26-7-8- 9-10-11-
35-6-7- 8-9-10-
44-5-6- 7-8-9-
53-4-5- 6-7-8-
6+3 ♠3-4- 5-6-7-

                    ♦11 (x2 damage) or ♠3 (½ damage)

When doubles are rolled, the attack has a special effect:

  • 1/1 - Decapitated victim, instant death.
  • 2/2 - Get an extra attack.
  • 3/3 - Block or parry - opponent loses next attack.
  • 4/4 - Lost weapon - if you hit the target, it's stuck in it and causes x2 damage; if you missed the target then the weapon was dropped.
  • 5/5 - Lose next attack due to falling off balance.
  • 6/6 - Fell on own weapon - take the bonus roll as damage yourself.

Weapon Damage
Damage is determined by this formula: Target number (attack roll needed to hit) - the actual roll + bonus roll

Damage ClassBonus Roll  
Light weaponRoll 2D6 and take low die.
Medium weaponRoll 1D6.
Heavy weaponRoll 2D6 and take high die.

Damage is usually subtracted from Physical. At 0 MEN, he is brain dead. At 0 PHY, the character is dead. At -20 PHY, his body was never found.

Weapon Range A character's throwing range is his Physical score in hexes, up to a maximum of 6. Bows can be fired at targets up to PHY+2 hexes away.

Saving Throws
Only players get saving throws. Inanimate objects do not.
To make a saving throw, roll 2D6:
(7) = no effect
Doubles = half effect (or as noted for the spell).
Other = full effect.

Saving throws can be made versus spells, wands, poison, area attacks, and so forth. When a full effect is rolled on poison, the character dies, otherwise his PHY is reduced by 50%.

Attribute Checks

To attempt a difficult or contested non-combat action, a character makes an attribute check. Idea rolls are used for activities such as searching, finding traps, and solving riddles. Muscle rolls are used for actions such as knocking down doors, climbing, and swimming. Each day, a character begins with Idea points equal to his MEN and Muscle points equal to his PHYS. Only 1 Idea or Muscle point can be spent to attempt a specific action.

To make an attribute check, roll 2D6:
(7) = SUCCESS, no point cost.
Doubles = SUCCESS, action costs 1 point.
Other = FAILURE, action costs 1 point.


All Mental and Physical attribute points recover between adventures.

During an adventure, roll 2d6 each day for healing:
(7) = SUCCESS, 1 MEN and 1 PHYS point recovered.
Doubles = SUCCESS, 1 MEN or 1 PHYS point recovered.
Other = FAILURE, no points recovered.

Magic System

A wizard or bard character begins with a number of spells equal to his Mental attribute divided by two, rounded up.
Spell points (SP) are used to cast spells. Each day, a wizard or bard has SP equal to his Mental attribute. A spell's SP cost must be paid each time it is activated.

Wizard Magic
Wizard spell range is limited by line of sight rather than distance.

  • 1) Light - can light up any dark area equal to that of daylight. Cost: 1 SP per use, per day. Can use to light a staff for a safe torch for 24 hours, but must be recast, and pay another SP, if turned off. The wattage is constant.
  • 2) Hold/Release - can be used to lock/unlock doors or any items touching such as a boot & floor or a sword & scabbard. Cost: 1 SP per round. A door held (remember 1 SP/rnd) can only be breached by a bigger release spell (higher Mental). Save allowed.
  • 3) Fire - can ignite or extinguish burnable items, can throw a fireball 2d6 damage, can cause fireworks or smoke, can cause a sword to flame +1D6 damage. Cost: 2 SP per use. Save allowed.
  • Shield - adds +1 to Mental and Physical defense for 1 round per SP used.
  • 4) Death Spell - kills target if caster has enough SP to do so. Cost: target's PHYS. If SP falls below 0, caster dies. Save allowed (½ effect).
  • 5) Illusion - for each SP caster can fool one sense for one turn. Save allowed. If ½ effect, roll 2d6 less than Mental to disbelieve.
  • 6) Charm/Fear - allows caster to cuase a target to cooperate or run away in fear, caster's choice. Can save (doubles cause target to go bezerk). Cost: target's Mental score.

Bard Magic
The target must be within earshot of the caster for the spell to be in range.

  • A) Illusion - same as the wizard version in effect and cost.
  • B) Charm - spell causes target to cooperate with caster. Victim save throw allowed (doubles cause target to go bezerk). Cost: ½ target's Mental score in SP.
  • C) Detect Magic - spell allows the caster to locate magic items or creatures/beings or magic traps. Cost: 1 SP per 1D6 rounds.
  • D) Confusion - spell will cause target(s) in a certain radius around the caster to be confused and unable to do anything, friend or foe, all are affected. Cost: 2 SP per hex radius from the caster per round.
  • E) Song of Power - spell allows caster to give any target an extra damage bonus on their attacks, +1D6 per round, caster's choice. Cost: 2 SP per round, per target.
  • F) Shadowalk - this spell gives the caster the ability to meld themselves with any one shadow thus becoming invisible and intangible to anything. The caster can fight any other person who shadowalks in the same shadow and only this time otherwise the caster cannot do anything physical. If the shadow that the caster is in vanishes by accident before the caster leaves it then they must make a save throw, if made then caster takes a loss of ½ Physical points; if missed then caster takes a loss of ½ Physical and Mental points. Spell lasts as long as caster wants otherwise. Cost: 3 SP per shadowalk.


One point is added to Mental or Physical for each adventure or dungeon survived. An optional rule allows XP to be saved and later spent on improving dice rolls. 1 XP can be spent to improve a saving throw by one result level only.

Armor Chart

Armor adds to Physical defense. 6 is the highest attainable value, so barbarians really don't need armor. Armor attracts magic and adds to attacker's combat score.

Armor TypeBonus (defense/magic) Cost (GC) 

Weapons Charts

Light Weapons
(Min. PHY of 1)
Cost (GC)
Small club0
Shield rush1

Medium Weapons
(Min. PHY of 3)
Cost (GC)
Medium club1
Heavy Weapons ♦
(Min. PHY of 5)
Cost (GC)
Great sword3
Dragon claws-
Heavy club2
♦ All heavy weapons are two-handed.

Ranged WeaponCost (GC) Min. PHYDamage Class
Spear ♦+13medium
Dagger ♦+11light
♦ Throwing weapons.

Basic Goods

Clothes (1-20 SC), food (4-30 SC per week), rope (1 SC per 10'), horse (10-20 GC, includes tack and harness), torch (1 SC), sack (1 SC), flint (1 SC), and iron spike (1 SC).

The GM will determine the price and availability of other items.

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